Chilli Couture

Meet Stacey, Chilli Couture’s New Stylist!

Meet Stacey, Chilli Couture’s New Stylist
Meet Stacey, Chilli Couture’s New Stylist

Meet Stacey Chilli Couturs New StylistOur New(ish) Hair Stylist & Salon Assistant

I’m sure many of you would know or at least recognise Stacey by now. She has been with us as our Salon Assistant for the past 7 months and we don’t know how we would cope without her!

From her amazing client head & shoulder massages to her Stacey Special “mint hot chocolate” ahhhh-mazing!

Stacey’s biggest loves are hair and food (who can’t relate to that!?) She is also a passionate vegan whose knowledge on vegan cooking is super helpful. I ask at least one food/cooking related question a week. She is NEVER allowed to leave!

Here’s 5 minutes with Stacey.

How come you like food so much?

I grew up in a home with parents who seemed like magicians in the kitchen – my mother, in particular,  could make the most delicious meals out of the simplest ingredients. I love the chemistry and process of combining flavours and textures. I especially love the way food brings people together. It’s deeply social, intimate and important to me.

If you had to eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Ok, enough about food. Onto hair. As long as we’ve known you, from being a Chilli client to now our Salon Assistant, you’ve always rocked a funky hairstyle. Why?

Your hair is your crown. It’s the only thing you wear when you’re naked (that, and tattoos….) and it’s a statement on who you want to be seen as. I love the way changing your hair changes your look completely. As my identity grew, so did my hairstyle, and not always consciously.

Besides humming & singing along to the tunes in the salon, what is your other favourite thing to do here?

Well, you know I love to mop…..really I do! (Donna here…yes she actually does!)
But I love doing toners, watching the hair change before my eyes is incredible. And of course, I love educating about shampooing and the difference good quality products make.

Last but not least…Why do you love your Chilli family so much? 😉

I love working with people that genuinely put their clients first, that are passionate and professional and also stay true to themselves.