Chilli Couture


Jordan Townsend

Senior Stylist 

Currently on maternity leave

Jordy T has always had a special love affair with hair. Growing up, her mum was a hairdresser and Jordy would help out with the occasional hair wash as a young girl!​

Jordy started her apprenticeship a little later in her teens and completed her training on the Gold Coast in Queensland. When Jordy returned to Perth, of course, Chilli Couture was the salon she joined to start her new life with her new perfect salon family! ​
Jordy first joined the Chilli team 4 years ago and worked as a full-time senior stylist for two years before taking extended maternity leave to have her son James two years ago. ​
Finally, she is ready to come back on the salon floor after thoroughly enjoying her time with little James and is now working again on Wednesdays with her Chilli family.​

Jordy is a full all-round hairdresser, an exception colourist and cutter, she also does extensions, and long hair work.​