Chilli Couture

Rachel Walker & Emmanuelle Torres Awarded by Intercoiffure Australia

Rachel Walker & Emmanuelle Torres Awarded by Intercoiffure Australia

We proud to annouce that co-owners of Chilli Couture; Rachel Walker & Emmanelle Torres were recently awarded in the following categories for Intercoiffure Australia – Australian Intercoiffure Artistic Senior “Winner” – Rachel  Walker – Australian Intercoiffure Editorial Senior “Winner” – Rachel  Walker – Australian Intercoiffure Artistic Senior “Runner up” – Emmanuelle Torres

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Looking for a new companion? Adopt from Greyhound Angels

Looking for a new companion Adopt from Greyhound Angels

Co-owner of Chilli Couture; Rachel Walker has recently taken in two beautiful foster Greyhounds who are hoping to find a place to call home and a family to be a part of. Both Hercules and Blizzard are beautiful natured boys that deserve a life that doesn’t consist of living in a cage. If you or… Continue reading Looking for a new companion? Adopt from Greyhound Angels

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Road closures due to Pride Parade on Saturday 2nd of November

Road closures due to Pride Parade on Saturday 2nd of November

For all of our Chilli Addicts who will be visiting us on Saturday the 2nd of November, please see below for the road closures and parking restrictions due to the Pride parade.

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Tom Jarvis RAW Artists

Tom Jarvis RAW Artists

Hey everyone, Tom Jarvis Chilli Couture’s hair artist has been selected to showcase some of his work at an event for an organization called RAW: natural born artists. Teaming up with a fashion designer and make up artist to create their own runway show. On the 28th of November The Bakery will be filled with… Continue reading Tom Jarvis RAW Artists

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Emerging Artist Laura Jane Gladman Presenting for Intercoiffure

Emerging Artist Laura Jane Gladman Presenting for Intercoiffure

Chilli Couture’s Emerging Artist – Laura Jane Gladman, was involved in an Intercoiffure education night recently. Laura did a live demonstration for two gents haircuts which included assorted cutting techniques such as a men’s fade. She also demonstrated modern men’s hair colouring techniques and an edge to the traditional quiff.

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Make a difference by helping others in need gain “Education for Life”

Make a difference by helping others in need gain “Education for Life”

Make a difference by helping others in need gain “Education for Life” Education for Life is an Intercoiffure Charity program with the object to raise charitable donations to keep the juveniles from the slums of this world from delinquency, prostitution, hunger and balefulness. The charitable donations are used to finance the teachers, premises and the haircutter… Continue reading Make a difference by helping others in need gain “Education for Life”

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The Chilli Couture Team Attended 2013 Australian Hair Fashion Awards Event

The Chilli Couture Team Attended 2013 Australian Hair Fashion Awards Event

On Monday 15th April the Chilli Couture team attended the 2013 Australian Hair Fashion Awards gala night held at Sydney Jones Bay Wharf Doltone House. We are proud to say that we were finalists for all 5 categories we entered. The categories are: Artistic Team of the Year – Chilli Couture WA/NT Hairdresser of the… Continue reading The Chilli Couture Team Attended 2013 Australian Hair Fashion Awards Event

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Chilli Coutures Latest Recruits Featured In X-Press Fashion Magazine

Hair Genius Tom Jarvis interviewed by We Love Perth

Your Perth hair salon Chilli Couture latest stylist recruits: Tom Jarvis and Rachael Shaw are featured in X-Press Fashion Magazine’s Autumn issue.  See below for the full article.

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Hair Genius Tom Jarvis interviewed by We Love Perth

Hair Genius Tom Jarvis interviewed by We Love Perth

Our very creative “Hair Genius” Tom Jarvis was recently interviewed by  We love Perth. In the interview Tom describes his journey and experiences in the hairdressing industry. To read the full interview, please click link on the image below

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Chilli Couture Are Finalists In 5 Categories For The 2013 AHFA Awards!

Throughout 2012 the Chilli Couture team spent endless hours putting together their submissions for 5 different award categories in the 2013 Australian Hair Fashion Awards. With the finalists for the awards recently being announced, the Chilli Couture team were thrilled to hear that they are finalists in all 5 categories which were entered. Rachel Walker… Continue reading Chilli Couture Are Finalists In 5 Categories For The 2013 AHFA Awards!

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