Chilli Couture

Are Box Dyes Really That Bad?

Are Box Dyes Really That Bad

Maybe you haven’t managed to book in for your well overdue hair appointment and the temptation of the supermarket box dye special is just too tempting, or maybe you feel like your hair needs a drastic change! Whatever the reason, many people find themselves reaching for the box dye to dye their own hair instead… Continue reading Are Box Dyes Really That Bad?

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Kickoff The New Year With Natural Hair Colour

Kickoff The New Year With Natural Hair Colour

Welcome to 2018 – a new year and a fresh opportunity to try some new styles! We are just as excited as anyone about the natural hair trend. Getting back to basics, natural hair is all the rage this year! Now don’t confuse natural with dull or boring. Natural hair colours bring out the best… Continue reading Kickoff The New Year With Natural Hair Colour

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Best Hairdresser In Perth For Your Short Summer Cut

Best Hairdresser In Perth For Your Short Summer Cut

As the weather warms up, we are all looking forward to summer. The hot temperatures and frequent beach trips mean this is the perfect time to refresh your locks and go short. There is no one who loves a short style more than us! We are the best hairdresser in Perth to trust with your… Continue reading Best Hairdresser In Perth For Your Short Summer Cut

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Organic Hair Colour Inspired by Maye Musk

Organic Hair Colour Inspired by Maye Musk

Our most recent photo shoot was one of the best yet! Using our organic hair colour, we featured eight mature ladies who shared with us their outgoing nature and eccentric approach to life. We aimed to celebrate their age by embracing the grey hair and smile lines as achievements of a life well lived. See… Continue reading Organic Hair Colour Inspired by Maye Musk

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